Turf Suppliers in Ormskirk

turf suppliers in OrmskirkWe are known as the top turf suppliers in Ormskirk and surrounding areas. We take great care to make sure that our turf is well grown before we harvest it. We gently encourage the seed to root deeply and to grow lush. We keep the turf well mown to encourage the grass to thicken. It is a very delicate process and we take great care to water and feed all our turf. This is what ensures that you get the best quality grass available. Our staff will help you work our exactly how much turf you need to order as you do not want to be short on your order or have a number of rolls left over.

When you want to have really good lawn in Ormskirk, turf suppliers will deliver the rolls of turf to your door. If you are laying your own turf there are a few steps that should be noted. Make sure the earth is well prepared for the new turf. Once the area has been levelled and dug over mix in compost or fertilizer in the soil as this provides nutrition for the new lawn. Make sure you water the prepared area well before and after laying the turf. When laying the turf use boards to stand on try not to stand on the soil or the turf. Do not walk on the new grass for at least 2 weeks.

We are one of the best known turf suppliers in Ormskirk. Contact Websters Turf today if you want top quality grass that will grow well and is free of weeds. We grow our own turf on our farm with its deep layers of rich black top soil. This is part of the secret of why our turf is so special. We also use high quality seed so that the grass grows evenly and thick. We only supply top quality turf and do not have a discount rate for inferior turf. If you visit Liverpool Cathedral you will see what our turf looks like after a few years growth.

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