Buy Turf in Rufford

Buy turf in RuffordBuy turf in Rufford for the best lawn. When you lay turf you are putting down ready grown grass. When you try to establish a lawn from seed you will have endless problems with weeds and mud. Your lawn could take years to become established. A well laid lawn of turf will be established in months. We only sell top quality turf and any lawn we feel is substandard is never sold. We lift the turf up in rolls with the roots encased in soil. A well prepared surface is necessary for the lawn. The earth should be dug over then raked flat with fertiliser or compost included in the soil. When the rolls of grass are delivered you need to make sure they are laid as soon as possible.

When you need a new lawn in Rufford, buy turf from one of the best turf farms in your area. Once your turf is correctly laid it should be watered and kept damp. This will help the roots grow into the new surface. Try and keep off the new lawn for a few weeks or place boards to walk over it as the roots could be damaged while they are trying to get themselves established. When the grass has grown a little too much a light mow on a high setting will keep it neat and allow it to thicken. The thicker the grass grows the softer it is to the touch.

Buy turf in Rufford at a very reasonable price. Contact Websters Turf today for the very best quality grass. We grow own turf on our turf farm. The grass is well watered and fertilised until the roots are strongly bound in the rich black soil. Once it is well established we mow it and encourage the leaves to grow dense. This helps prevent weeds from taking root in the turf. We only lift the turf just before the delivery so that you receive the freshest possible lawn.

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